
Boss wanted me to work through lunch because I asked for a short day.

I'm new to work at this factory job where I assemble widgets. Available hours are 9-6, M-F. I put in a request for 4-6 off on a Friday according to company guidelines and had a weird interaction day of with the floor supervisor. He asked if I was still taking 4-6 off, which I replied yeah. He then asked if I still planned on taking my lunch, to which I gave him a puzzled look. He tells me that most guys, when they have a short afternoon like I am, will sometimes skip lunch when asked because they can't help out the team for the full day. I say that I'm still clocking out at 1 and he replies that we'll talk more about this on Monday. What I find interesting is that the way the job does schedules, there isn't anything marked lunch or a long shift. People aren't…

I'm new to work at this factory job where I assemble widgets. Available hours are 9-6, M-F. I put in a request for 4-6 off on a Friday according to company guidelines and had a weird interaction day of with the floor supervisor.

He asked if I was still taking 4-6 off, which I replied yeah. He then asked if I still planned on taking my lunch, to which I gave him a puzzled look. He tells me that most guys, when they have a short afternoon like I am, will sometimes skip lunch when asked because they can't help out the team for the full day. I say that I'm still clocking out at 1 and he replies that we'll talk more about this on Monday.

What I find interesting is that the way the job does schedules, there isn't anything marked lunch or a long shift. People aren't scheduled 9-6 on any given day, they're assigned two shifts, 9-1 and/or 2-6 depending on your schedule. So, as far as I can tell, I'm out at 1. Is me not staying something I should be concerned about?

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