
Boss wants me to work in my car and use my phone as a hot spot.

While I was at work today I needed access to a document that I can only view if I have access to internet. Unfortunately, the internet was cut at my office trailer (construction site) for the week and the location is shit reception for phone/internet/hotspot. So, I figured for today I would just reach out to my director and ask him if he could give me clarity on the regulation policy since I could “exactly” remember. You know, since he is my supervisor and seemed like the best person to get support Well, apparently that was a dumb….. instead of giving me support he decides so ask why I can’t just use the hot spot, even though I had full explained my issue. He then asks, “have you tried using a hot spot in a different location by driving your car to an area that gets service so you can…

While I was at work today I needed access to a document that I can only view if I have access to internet.

Unfortunately, the internet was cut at my office trailer (construction site) for the week and the location is shit reception for phone/internet/hotspot.

So, I figured for today I would just reach out to my director and ask him if he could give me clarity on the regulation policy since I could “exactly” remember. You know, since he is my supervisor and seemed like the best person to get support

Well, apparently that was a dumb….. instead of giving me support he decides so ask why I can’t just use the hot spot, even though I had full explained my issue. He then asks, “have you tried using a hot spot in a different location by driving your car to an area that gets service so you can use you laptop.”

Kinda taken back by his response, I replied I guess I can do that. Then he actually gives me the information I asked about in the first place….

Side note. My ego is getting to me a little bit also since I’m 34 and he’s 26. He’s been in the industry for 5 years while I have been in for 15…. Saying this because if I am wrong I want to know

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