
Boss wants to act like I’m expendable

So here's some backstory; I'm a glorified receptionist/log-in at a small lab that's short-staffed. Up until recently, I've had a great experience with my boss. I'd say 70% of our clients know me on a first-name basis, some even like me so much that I'm the only one they will talk to in the company. I'm as reliable as possible and get shit done. I'm also the only one at the company that has the time and training to do my role without massively fucking up. I've had to go so far as to bring my sister with me to work on days I need off just to fix his mess when he does my job. That being said, I tend to have some downtime and I'm allowed to do things, like listen to videos on my phone and do coding lessons on my laptop. Recently, a coworker decided to…

So here's some backstory; I'm a glorified receptionist/log-in at a small lab that's short-staffed. Up until recently, I've had a great experience with my boss. I'd say 70% of our clients know me on a first-name basis, some even like me so much that I'm the only one they will talk to in the company. I'm as reliable as possible and get shit done. I'm also the only one at the company that has the time and training to do my role without massively fucking up. I've had to go so far as to bring my sister with me to work on days I need off just to fix his mess when he does my job. That being said, I tend to have some downtime and I'm allowed to do things, like listen to videos on my phone and do coding lessons on my laptop. Recently, a coworker decided to leave the company and opened the position above mine, and multiple coworkers told him to promote me. This didn't happen, so I quietly updated my resume and got a few requests to submit applications for the exact same position in other companies.

Today, I get a call about requesting a sampling event. It's an urgent one and since I have all the sampling tech's work phone numbers, I text the one in the area to get it taken care of. My boss comes up from behind me and asks about some stuff I have laying out to go to our sister's location. I informed him that it's waiting to be picked up, as the past week's it hasn't been picked up. This stuff is neatly stacked, placed out of the way, and in my own area. He then decides to reply 'do something about it or clock out.' I had to use every ounce of self-control not to clock out immediately and walk away.

Anyway, I cleaned up a bit, clocked out for a long lunch, and started to seriously apply for jobs. Am I under-reacting, overreacting? I already know I'm overapplying myself for a job that pays poverty wages, but I'm reeling.

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