
Boss wants to mandate my pee breaks

Work in an extremely busy retail pharmacy that doesn't have enough hours to appropriately staff. You know the drill. We don't get our 15 min breaks because leaving the pharmacy for 15 minutes is so detrimental to the flow of work everything has gone down the toilet in the short time we're gone. We literally haul ass nonstop all day long and only get to sit down for 20 mins when the pharmacy shuts down for lunch. I have endometriosis on my bladder. It causes pain and I pee every 1-2 hours because a full bladder is so painful. My boss wants me to stop taking to many 2 minute bathroom breaks. I just looked at her dead in her face and said “ok. I'll just start taking my 15 minute breaks instead” She backed down.

Work in an extremely busy retail pharmacy that doesn't have enough hours to appropriately staff. You know the drill. We don't get our 15 min breaks because leaving the pharmacy for 15 minutes is so detrimental to the flow of work everything has gone down the toilet in the short time we're gone. We literally haul ass nonstop all day long and only get to sit down for 20 mins when the pharmacy shuts down for lunch. I have endometriosis on my bladder. It causes pain and I pee every 1-2 hours because a full bladder is so painful. My boss wants me to stop taking to many 2 minute bathroom breaks. I just looked at her dead in her face and said “ok. I'll just start taking my 15 minute breaks instead”

She backed down.

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