
Boss will not respond to me about whether or not I still have my job!

It as been almost one week since I was formally written up for being late for a shift. I work and reside in California, and am currently (??) employed at a restaurant for the past 7/8 years. I have had written warnings in the past for being late (I know, I suck) and as it is in the “fire at will” state of CA, they have every right to fire me after this instance and I assumed that was the case. I was late on Friday, worked shifts Saturday and Sunday, figuring I would hear on Monday whether or not I was being let go. Monday came and my boss texted asking me what happened. I explained the situation (that I forgot I picked up a shift however had someone cover me until I got there which was a half hour max after the shift started.) He responded basically accusing…

It as been almost one week since I was formally written up for being late for a shift. I work and reside in California, and am currently (??) employed at a restaurant for the past 7/8 years. I have had written warnings in the past for being late (I know, I suck) and as it is in the “fire at will” state of CA, they have every right to fire me after this instance and I assumed that was the case. I was late on Friday, worked shifts Saturday and Sunday, figuring I would hear on Monday whether or not I was being let go. Monday came and my boss texted asking me what happened. I explained the situation (that I forgot I picked up a shift however had someone cover me until I got there which was a half hour max after the shift started.) He responded basically accusing me of lying, saying “that's not the story I heard…”, indicating he is going around questioning my colleagues about the incident (which after the better part of a decade being a truthful and humble employee, always taking responsibility for my actions, was a bit insulting)…but regardless, I texted him again explaining in no uncertain terms exactly what happened…again. In that message I asked him if I was still employed there or not. No answer. Next day, asked again. No response. And this was a day that I had a shift scheduled so I had no idea if I should show or not. The shift manager said he had not heard anything about my shift being covered or my being terminated so suggested I come in and work the shift, which I did. I have another shift tomorrow for which I will show up and work if I still hear nothing back. My question is…. if it IS his intention to terminate my employment, is it legally right to allow me to continue to work shifts (5 since the write up to be exact) and not get back to me after I have asked him three times now if I still have a job?! I really am at a loss and the anxiety of being in limbo is unbearable, but I don't want to text him a FOURTH time asking him the same damn question and shoot myself in the foot! So I guess I'll just keep showing up until (and if) I get a response!! Any thoughts/suggestions/legal advice here? Thank you!!!

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