
Boss will rate my performance on what I do OUTSIDE work hours

I have an upcoming performance review. Part involves grading staff on how often we step outside the responsibilities of our positions, including working outside hours. Pay raises have been decided by these reviews. Call me a crybaby, but it seems wrong to grade performance based on things I did outside my normal responsibilities and hours. Since my industry is federally regulated (Canada, telecommunications) — did anybody have any federal legal or regulatory references I could cite, to exclude this section from my review?

I have an upcoming performance review.

Part involves grading staff on how often we step outside the responsibilities of our positions, including working outside hours. Pay raises have been decided by these reviews.

Call me a crybaby, but it seems wrong to grade performance based on things I did outside my normal responsibilities and hours.

Since my industry is federally regulated (Canada, telecommunications) — did anybody have any federal legal or regulatory references I could cite, to exclude this section from my review?

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