
Bosses ganging up and gaslighting coworker, what should I do?

I (25) work an administrative position in a government office job. I’ve been here for a little over 6 months and I actually enjoy it (minus the shit pay, 9-5 schedule, and long commute). The office environment is pretty unconventional and chill and all my coworkers are really cool. Nothing negative has happened to me but my coworker in the same position as me has been getting shit from our bosses recently and I do not understand why. They’re a bit younger than me (freshly 23) but has been here longer than me and does quality and accurate work (accuracy is a huge part of this job). It started when my coworker was a little slow at a project we all rotate doing every week. The project requires a lot of attention and accuracy and then filling in a template when finished. I’m pretty quick with it so my coworker…

I (25) work an administrative position in a government office job. I’ve been here for a little over 6 months and I actually enjoy it (minus the shit pay, 9-5 schedule, and long commute). The office environment is pretty unconventional and chill and all my coworkers are really cool. Nothing negative has happened to me but my coworker in the same position as me has been getting shit from our bosses recently and I do not understand why.

They’re a bit younger than me (freshly 23) but has been here longer than me and does quality and accurate work (accuracy is a huge part of this job). It started when my coworker was a little slow at a project we all rotate doing every week. The project requires a lot of attention and accuracy and then filling in a template when finished. I’m pretty quick with it so my coworker asked me what I’m doing differently so they can do better. I tell them and then they tell me that they were told to do it a completely different way that is insanely time consuming and pointless.

There was another project given to them with only two days to compete which was impossible with the workload. They professionally told our supervisor that’s it’s not possible to get the whole project done in two days and asked if they could have a little more time. Our supervisor just took the project away from them and gave it to someone else. A few days later my coworker asked about it again and our supervisor said that it’s fine cause the part they wanted done in two days was done by another person. It was not specified to my coworker that only 1 part needed to be done in two days, it was heavily implied the whole project needed finishing.

We scan in a lot of documents and all of us will leave a pile on our desks of what we still need to scan cause sometimes it’s not possible to get it all done that day. My coworker did just that and came in to find the stack gone from their desk. I helped them look and we found it on our supervisors desk. Meaning our supervisor took them off my coworkers desk for some reason and didn’t tell them which make zero sense.

There’s more things but these are the biggest/most recent issues.

I sit next to my coworker and see them trying so hard to fix their work product and even going as far as to make a schedule where they document everything they’re doing all day hour by hour. My coworker LOVES this job (they said ‘they think they were meant to work an office job’ cause they love it so much, what gen z would ever say that?) I feel so fucking bad and want to say something to my supervisors but idk if that’ll help or hurt the situation more.

My bosses really like me so I think they’d be willing to hear me out but I don’t want to make it worse for my coworker.

Thank you for reading the whole post if you did<3

TLDR; My bosses are ganging up on my coworker for reasons I know for a fact are unwarranted, should I speak with my bosses and stick up for my coworker or would that just make things worse?

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