
Bosses who explain things to you, but can’t comprehend that you don’t care.

I work as a customer-facing service advisor for a large corporate e-bike company and I distilled one of my pet-peeves at work today: Bosses who explain issues they have to you as if you don't understand, or are forgetful. It seems like they are way quicker to assume that you are just stupid or have the memory of a goldfish, than to confront the reality that their low-paid employees don't give a fuck enough to be responsible. “See we fill out this field on the form so that it's easier to look them up…” “If you check this box then we know you called them.” “Why didn't you charge this guy labor?” Maybe because it makes no fucking difference to me whether I do or not. At my job and MANY others there is little reason to do anything beyond what you need to keep the job and keep customers…

I work as a customer-facing service advisor for a large corporate e-bike company and I distilled one of my pet-peeves at work today: Bosses who explain issues they have to you as if you don't understand, or are forgetful.

It seems like they are way quicker to assume that you are just stupid or have the memory of a goldfish, than to confront the reality that their low-paid employees don't give a fuck enough to be responsible.

“See we fill out this field on the form so that it's easier to look them up…”

“If you check this box then we know you called them.”

“Why didn't you charge this guy labor?”

Maybe because it makes no fucking difference to me whether I do or not. At my job and MANY others there is little reason to do anything beyond what you need to keep the job and keep customers satisfied so they aren't terrible to the employees. Why the fuck would I charge someone labor if I get 0% of the proceeds and I can make my day loads easier by saving them a buck. None of our mechanics get a share of the labor charges, they are just paid hourly.

It's even more disappointing that the guy who is paid more to oversee us doesn't even have the nuts or awareness to address the real problem and work on it. All of us just go “I guess I forgot, sorry” and he just accepts that as an answer when we are blatantly just not doing parts of our job.

Depressing fucking state of affairs.

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