
Boyfriend lied to about transfer

My boyfriend works at a grocery store. He currently lives in PA but he is trying to transfer to my state so we can live together. When he took this job, he made his intention of moving very clear, and they promised him he'd be able to transfer 'easily' to a store closer to me. That's WHY he took the job. Well he got a text from his manager that the DM in charge of his transfer couldn't actually go through with it because 'no stores there were hiring' and to just quit and apply when he moves here…despite them not hiring? I took the time to drive to both locations, took pictures of the hiring signs with the time and date, and talked to the hiring manager there who said that them not hiring was a blatant lie. When my boyfriend shows them proof of the stores hiring, the…

My boyfriend works at a grocery store. He currently lives in PA but he is trying to transfer to my state so we can live together. When he took this job, he made his intention of moving very clear, and they promised him he'd be able to transfer 'easily' to a store closer to me. That's WHY he took the job.

Well he got a text from his manager that the DM in charge of his transfer couldn't actually go through with it because 'no stores there were hiring' and to just quit and apply when he moves here…despite them not hiring? I took the time to drive to both locations, took pictures of the hiring signs with the time and date, and talked to the hiring manager there who said that them not hiring was a blatant lie.

When my boyfriend shows them proof of the stores hiring, the NEW reason they gave him was 'underperformance'. They never once talked to him about it, he was never written up, there was no verbal or written intervention or documentation about him underperforming but that is the new reason they are sticking with. When my boyfriend asked for it in writing that this is the actual reason, the DM said she wasn't allowed to despite that being nowhere in the company policy.

Not sure what to do. He doesn't want to burn bridges with the company because he does want to apply to a store near me. But this has seriously messed with him and I find it really suspicious that if underperformance was the actual reason, they would tell him a lie first then refuse to get it in writing.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks

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