
Breaking Down because I feel like I’ve already ruined my life

This might not be the best sub for this, but I feel like others here might understand and I can't handle the judgement of some other subs right now. I graduated last spring, after attending college for 3 years. I only had one semester that wasn't at least partially remote because of COVID, and due to that a majority of the internship opportunities and career fairs through my college were cancelled. I have worked for 6 months in that year since i graduated. I graduated with a STEM degree, got hired to do QA work, and got blindsided by being assigned to do HR work. When I asked if I could switch to QA, which I was hired for, I was told it wouldn't be possible for a bit, and I would need to start working 80 hours a week to do QA training on top of my super stressful,…

This might not be the best sub for this, but I feel like others here might understand and I can't handle the judgement of some other subs right now.

I graduated last spring, after attending college for 3 years. I only had one semester that wasn't at least partially remote because of COVID, and due to that a majority of the internship opportunities and career fairs through my college were cancelled. I have worked for 6 months in that year since i graduated.

I graduated with a STEM degree, got hired to do QA work, and got blindsided by being assigned to do HR work. When I asked if I could switch to QA, which I was hired for, I was told it wouldn't be possible for a bit, and I would need to start working 80 hours a week to do QA training on top of my super stressful, poorly managed HR position (I worked with people who had done other PM/HR work and they agreed the team was just shit). I burned out in six months and had to quit due to having a severe mental breakdown that almost had me hospitalized.

I've now been struggling to get a job since February, and I feel like I've already managed to irrevocably ruin my life at 22 years old because I went to a not super prestigious college and didn't pursue internships and quit my first job after six months.

I hate the capitalist society we've created that makes me place my entire self worth in how productive I am, and I hate that I can't get over hating myself because of what it's ingrained in me. I'm lost and don't know what to do anymore.

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