
Breakroom taken away, is this legal?

Sort of out of the blue, my employer announced that they’d be repurposing our little breakroom/kitchen area into something else. I’m gonna be a bit vague on the details for obvious reasons. They’ve already started renovating it, but the other room that’s gonna be the new breakroom? Not done, nor does it seem like it will be finished any time soon. So now we just have a fridge in an otherwise empty room, but no breakroom. Is it legal for an employer in California to do this? If not, what can I do about it?

Sort of out of the blue, my employer announced that they’d be repurposing our little breakroom/kitchen area into something else. I’m gonna be a bit vague on the details for obvious reasons. They’ve already started renovating it, but the other room that’s gonna be the new breakroom? Not done, nor does it seem like it will be finished any time soon.

So now we just have a fridge in an otherwise empty room, but no breakroom. Is it legal for an employer in California to do this? If not, what can I do about it?

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