
Bullied out of Job

I had this middle manager who absolutely hated my guts. She was an obese miserable hag who despised me since day one (I was almost half her age and thin). She would refuse to train me, overly criticize all my work, report any and all minor infractions to upper management, and call me names at work. She’d also slander my character to other coworkers and accuse me of being racist (???) behind my back. I am highly introverted and rarely talk, and this seemed to frustrate her even more. She told people I was “intentionally” ignoring her and refusing to communicate (LOL) because I have one word replies when she’d harass me while I was trying to work. She’d be asking me about Beyoncé or celebrities and dumb shit when I was trying to finish my assignments. Because she literally did NOTHING the entire day. She didn’t even offer to…

I had this middle manager who absolutely hated my guts.

She was an obese miserable hag who despised me since day one (I was almost half her age and thin). She would refuse to train me, overly criticize all my work, report any and all minor infractions to upper management, and call me names at work.

She’d also slander my character to other coworkers and accuse me of being racist (???) behind my back.

I am highly introverted and rarely talk, and this seemed to frustrate her even more. She told people I was “intentionally” ignoring her and refusing to communicate (LOL) because I have one word replies when she’d harass me while I was trying to work. She’d be asking me about Beyoncé or celebrities and dumb shit when I was trying to finish my assignments. Because she literally did NOTHING the entire day.

She didn’t even offer to help me with any work. Just berated me, called me an idiot, told me I ruined everything, tried to gaslight me by calling me “scared” and “overwhelmed” and went out of her way to find fault with everything I did. Other employees recommended me for a promotion, and she absolutely destroyed this opportunity for me by slandering me to my boss and saying I was too anxious and overwhelmed and incapable.

Not only did she tell people that I was somehow “racist” (this is the primary reason I quit, because that is an outlandish accusation). But she also asked me if was “some kind of Christian freak” to my face and ridiculed me for never swearing or drinking alcohol. I think she thought me being Christian and reserved made me some type of Trump supporting bigot in her eyes. Because she was a fat POC and a lesbian. Many gay people think me being Christian automatically means I hate all gay people. But I was silent and calm and polite and did my job. And she would become enraged and more hostile every time I received positive feedback from other coworkers.

I don’t even know what type of horrible lies she would spread about me, since I would be friendly with a coworker for weeks. And the moment she had a shift with them or sat whispering with them when I left the room, they became cold and avoidant and acted like I murdered their dog or something.

She would also throw away my personal belongings. Such as stationary that I brought in to work and complain that I was “creating a mess” behind my back. When I restocked some stationary and pens on the office with cute supplies. She destroyed some of them out of spite because I was getting so much positive feedback he compliments from coworkers.

This obese lady who spend half the work day eating or in the cafeteria, and the other half gossiping or berating me would also tell people that I was anorexic and never ate anything. She would question why I was never eating and have weirdo coworker FOLLOW me during my breaks.

The problem is, this pig has been at the company for almost a decade and I was new hire. The only people on my side were those under 30 years old and other newer employees. And some random senior ones. But I had very little influence,given that I was a new reserved employee vs a loud-mouth veteran sociopath.

I decided to quit oj the spot after one of her friends insinuated that I was racist. And I send a long and detailed letter to upper management. I didn’t expect anything, since they somehow like this vile bully for some reason. But the only response was “thank you for sharing your concerns” and accepting my resignation. It makes me feel like they view ME as the liar or crazy person. Or maybe they’re afraid of a lawsuit and HR involvement. Since racist jokes and smears about religion were made directly to me (and I have witnesses)

But I’m pretty disgusted by the whole situation. That woman is one of the vilest pigs I’ve ever had the misfortune of encountering. And I hate how loudmouth lacy bullies thrive in the workplace

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