
Bullying and gossiping at work and it is exhausting

I am a newish hire at my place of employment. But for some reason, these people already can’t stand me! I literally haven’t done a thing “wrong” to anybody, or screwed anything up work wise, I have been getting glowing reviews from the higher ups, so I know it can’t be anything to do with my performance.. and i’m just so, utterly disappointed that not only to I have to work a shitty 9-5, I also have to work with stupid fucks who gossip and attempt to bully me while I am there for no apparent reason. I smile and say good morning, I am pleasant and focused on my own shit. In fact yesterday was our staff meeting, I walk into the room and say hey, and take a seat.. tell me why they all just stared at me and then burst out laughing. I have never wanted to…

I am a newish hire at my place of employment. But for some reason, these people already can’t stand me! I literally haven’t done a thing “wrong” to anybody, or screwed anything up work wise, I have been getting glowing reviews from the higher ups, so I know it can’t be anything to do with my performance.. and i’m just so, utterly disappointed that not only to I have to work a shitty 9-5, I also have to work with stupid fucks who gossip and attempt to bully me while I am there for no apparent reason.

I smile and say good morning, I am pleasant and focused on my own shit. In fact yesterday was our staff meeting, I walk into the room and say hey, and take a seat.. tell me why they all just stared at me and then burst out laughing. I have never wanted to leave a place more in my life.. but had to then sit through the entire meeting wanting to cry, but had to pretend I was un phased.

Wtf should I do. I already hate working like a dog for shit pay in the first place, now this is the cherry on top. FML..

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