
Burned out from interviewing

I've been through dozens of interviews back to back for six months with no offers. Some interview processes with 5-7 steps, including case studies, presentations, aptitude tests, etc. When I initially started this job search, I was super motivated. I would diligently prepare, research, and give every presentation and case study my best effort. I'm now at the point where I'm so burned out I've started to go into interviews giving bare minimum and minimal effort. Between rude interviewers, awful questions, and lengthy presentations/tests, I'm running out of steam. I feel like I could be missing out on opportunities to make better first impressions. It's just hard to remain positive and energetic when you're in this endless merry go round of rejection. Has anyone else felt like this before? How did you get through it?

I've been through dozens of interviews back to back for six months with no offers. Some interview processes with 5-7 steps, including case studies, presentations, aptitude tests, etc. When I initially started this job search, I was super motivated. I would diligently prepare, research, and give every presentation and case study my best effort. I'm now at the point where I'm so burned out I've started to go into interviews giving bare minimum and minimal effort. Between rude interviewers, awful questions, and lengthy presentations/tests, I'm running out of steam. I feel like I could be missing out on opportunities to make better first impressions. It's just hard to remain positive and energetic when you're in this endless merry go round of rejection. Has anyone else felt like this before? How did you get through it?

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