
Business owner repeatedly steps over boundaries & disrespects employees.

I've been working at an independent coffee shop for about a year now. I have about 3-4 years of experience as a barista and came to this job from Starbucks where I was making $20/hr as a shift lead. I took a significant pay cut from this employer ($10/hr), but I accepted it because it would be less stress than what it was like at Starbucks. She claimed that she would give me a raise after my 90 days, but this never happened. I'd also like to add that she knows nothing about coffee and thinks she's very clever for not learning how to use any of the equipment because she won't have to fill in for baristas if something comes up. For context she inherited money from her deceased husband and opened her first business which is a wine bar, then during COVID-19 she used the business loan to…

I've been working at an independent coffee shop for about a year now. I have about 3-4 years of experience as a barista and came to this job from Starbucks where I was making $20/hr as a shift lead. I took a significant pay cut from this employer ($10/hr), but I accepted it because it would be less stress than what it was like at Starbucks. She claimed that she would give me a raise after my 90 days, but this never happened.

I'd also like to add that she knows nothing about coffee and thinks she's very clever for not learning how to use any of the equipment because she won't have to fill in for baristas if something comes up. For context she inherited money from her deceased husband and opened her first business which is a wine bar, then during COVID-19 she used the business loan to open her second business (the coffee shop). She's incredibly disorganized and seems to know next to nothing about running a business, but she's been incredibly lucky to have a manager who's really experienced and has been holding it together.

Things have been really stressful lately, as this incredibly wise business owner decided to combine her businesses into one space with hardly any forethought. My manager has put in her two weeks because she found a better job opportunity (and let's be honest, this job is too much for the pay). I've decided I'm over it too because I'm a college student and I'm already stressed enough without adding more from a low-paying job with an ungrateful owner. Because of the general lack of professionalism and the rarity of her actually being at her business, I decided to text the owner to let her know that I'll be putting in my two weeks.

She took 6 hours to get back to me, responding to me at 8:30pm asking me if I’d stay for the rest of the semester because it was inconvenient for her since my manager is leaving. She also notified me 3 days before my manager’s last day that she had intended for me to take over the training my manager was doing for new hires, with no previous conversations or offer of a pay bump. I told her no because I’m trying to reduce my stress and well… she made the new schedule and put me down as training a new person without my consent and scheduled me over my hourly availability. I’m at a loss because I tend to be a people pleaser to a fault, but I’m so upset by this turn of events. I don’t even know what more I can do as I’ve already put in my 2 weeks and I’m trying to keep it professional…

TLDR; This business owner is incredibly incompetent so I put in my 2 weeks for the sake of my mental health. She’s once again crossed a boundary by scheduling over my availability and expecting me to do extra work for the same pay.

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