
Busted my ass for 5 years, got laid off and now I’ll be stocking shelves for pennies.

I am so upset. My life has been anything but easy from the beginning. Part of the trouble was my parents pulled me out of school after 7th grade to run the farm and that was that. I was married and pregnant at 19, working full time when my husband got sick, I took on another full time job. I slept so little. I had a mental break, literally. I never thought I'd get a good job or overcome my limitations. Between working 2 jobs, a baby and a sick husband I couldn't catch up on schooling. I worked my ass off for a handful of different companies padding my resume with experience. I had been applying to this specific job for 3 years. I finally got the interview. I got the job, I was at the bottom of the food chain but I didn't care. I had made it…

I am so upset. My life has been anything but easy from the beginning. Part of the trouble was my parents pulled me out of school after 7th grade to run the farm and that was that. I was married and pregnant at 19, working full time when my husband got sick, I took on another full time job. I slept so little. I had a mental break, literally. I never thought I'd get a good job or overcome my limitations. Between working 2 jobs, a baby and a sick husband I couldn't catch up on schooling. I worked my ass off for a handful of different companies padding my resume with experience. I had been applying to this specific job for 3 years. I finally got the interview. I got the job, I was at the bottom of the food chain but I didn't care. I had made it in. I worked my ass off and made it into a senior analyst role on a 7th grade education, solely based on my experience and production. After a year in the role the company bought another company but basically handed all the power to the new company. Quickly all the higher ups were laid off or retired early. They sent out an email they wouldn't be laying anyone else off. They scheduled training for all of us on the new systems. On the second day of training we all got the emails we were being laid off. Since then I have been handed a handful of diagnoses that were “triggered” by the stress of losing my job. I was the main breadwinner. We are fucked. I've been on a couple different meds trying to figure out what will work best. I have been too unstable to work. I am ok now and was dying to get back into the industry I was thriving in. No one is hiring. It's been months. Over 175 applications in the last 3 months. Not one interview. Welp, here we are and I'll be stocking shelves for $20+ less an hour than I was making before. Fuck this shit.

Also, I recognize and understand as well as empathize that there have been and are people in far worse situations. I'm just venting mine. My husband has enough stress trying to keep a roof over our head for me to dump it on him.

ALSO we have lived in the same house for almost a decade. We didn't change our lifestyle when I was promoted either time, besides eating out more. Inflation is just killing everyone rn.

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