
“But you have so much potential…”

I’m so tired of hearing from everyone, upon first meeting them, that I need to find a good career. Listen, I have no skills and no experience (life or otherwise). All I have is a liberal arts degree and a crippling fear of failure from parents who believed children should not speak unless spoken to, and teachers who literally spread rumors and bullied me. I only come off as “smart” because I’m a skinny white girl. I’m not smart. I’m privileged. Just shut up and let me continue working my shit retail jobs and counting down the days until my parents die. Not everyone is supposed to have some meaningful life’s purpose.

I’m so tired of hearing from everyone, upon first meeting them, that I need to find a good career. Listen, I have no skills and no experience (life or otherwise). All I have is a liberal arts degree and a crippling fear of failure from parents who believed children should not speak unless spoken to, and teachers who literally spread rumors and bullied me. I only come off as “smart” because I’m a skinny white girl. I’m not smart. I’m privileged. Just shut up and let me continue working my shit retail jobs and counting down the days until my parents die. Not everyone is supposed to have some meaningful life’s purpose.

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