
“But you’re the *only one* who can-“

I genuinely regret agreeing to take on extra duties at my job. I was asked to do it early on, and eager to have more hours to save up some money, I agreed. Two years later, and after giving management several months notice that I won’t be on that shift any more due to my new class schedule, they still didn’t light a fire under their asses to find my replacement. One of the two they had me train is incompetent (nearly caused aircraft damage on several occasions, and was recently put on suspension pending an investigation into non-aircraft related damage he caused). The other one called in for tonight’s shift, so a supervisor called me and said they need me to come in since I’m the ~only one~ who can do it (bullshit, I know they’ve done it without me or the other two). They tried to mandate me…

I genuinely regret agreeing to take on extra duties at my job. I was asked to do it early on, and eager to have more hours to save up some money, I agreed. Two years later, and after giving management several months notice that I won’t be on that shift any more due to my new class schedule, they still didn’t light a fire under their asses to find my replacement.

One of the two they had me train is incompetent (nearly caused aircraft damage on several occasions, and was recently put on suspension pending an investigation into non-aircraft related damage he caused). The other one called in for tonight’s shift, so a supervisor called me and said they need me to come in since I’m the ~only one~ who can do it (bullshit, I know they’ve done it without me or the other two). They tried to mandate me into staying last week, but 1) I had a migraine starting and I was nauseous (went home sick) and 2) I would’ve timed out at 2am (according to our union contract, the max hours we can work is 16.5 hours, and I’d already worked a split shift 4a-8a and 2p-730p).

After my supervisor went on about how the other guy called in and they need me in from 9p-4a, I just said “I’ve been drinking.” I honestly could’ve just said “no” because they can’t mandate me on my day off without 24 hour notice, but it got me off that call almost as soon as the words left my mouth. Still felt kind of weird that she ended the call with “okay thanks, I’ll let [manager] know”.

Anyways, yeah. I’ve determined that I’ll never volunteer to take on extra duties again for any job, because this shit has been essentially “oh, well Dakota’s done it for the past two years, so we can just mandate them instead”. Nah.

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