
California Supreme Court: Boss profits >>> lives of workers and their families.

Ar the height of the covid pandemic, an employer transferred some employees from their Nevada to their San Francisco location, and put them even though they knew they might be infected in violation of a San Francisco city ordinance requiring quarantine. Another employee became infected, unknowingly took the infection home, and passed on to his wife who ended up in the ICU on a ventilator. The employee sued. California Supreme Court found that even though the employer had clearly broken the law they were not liable because it would create “dire financial consequences for employers”. There was no dissenting opinion. Yeah, that's the point of a lawsuit like this, you stupid assholes. You create dire financial consequences so that they don't do it again. And this is “liberal” California. Imagine how it would have gone in a red state.

Ar the height of the covid pandemic, an employer transferred some employees from their Nevada to their San Francisco location, and put them even though they knew they might be infected in violation of a San Francisco city ordinance requiring quarantine. Another employee became infected, unknowingly took the infection home, and passed on to his wife who ended up in the ICU on a ventilator.

The employee sued. California Supreme Court found that even though the employer had clearly broken the law they were not liable because it would create “dire financial consequences for employers”. There was no dissenting opinion.

Yeah, that's the point of a lawsuit like this, you stupid assholes. You create dire financial consequences so that they don't do it again.

And this is “liberal” California. Imagine how it would have gone in a red state.

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