
Call center woes

I work at a work from home healthcare call center. Last year they gave us the supervisor from hell. She nitpicks every little detail. For example: I got accused of time theft because I was 10 minutes over my shift. (I was on a call 8 minutes past my shift then I had issues entering insurance). Another time she tried to get me on a HIPAA violation for looking up a chart. (The patient sent in an email request to schedule them an appointment) Which I showed her. Another time she accused me of going over on one of my breaks by 25 seconds (yes she counted out the seconds) Oh if we don't go to break on time we have to email her why. Even if we are on a call she said that might not even be seen as a valid excuse depending on the call. One day…

I work at a work from home healthcare call center. Last year they gave us the supervisor from hell. She nitpicks every little detail.

For example: I got accused of time theft because I was 10 minutes over my shift. (I was on a call 8 minutes past my shift then I had issues entering insurance).

Another time she tried to get me on a HIPAA violation for looking up a chart. (The patient sent in an email request to schedule them an appointment) Which I showed her.

Another time she accused me of going over on one of my breaks by 25 seconds (yes she counted out the seconds)

Oh if we don't go to break on time we have to email her why. Even if we are on a call she said that might not even be seen as a valid excuse depending on the call.

One day I had to seek shelter due to a tornado and I called the attendance line and I was off the phone for 35 minutes (we have a weather bank we can use without getting in trouble). She said I should have prepared to drive to the main site.

I'm now at the point of let the (word choice) fire me. Do yall have any ideas how to deal with her?

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