
Called in sick to work for the first time after working ridiculous OT the last six months.

Boss has been texting me constantly this morning with guilt trips, asking if I can come in later and sent me the “Somebody’s Got a Case of the Monday’s” gif. It’s a small family run company and I’ve bent over backwards to help these past six months while we’ve been understaffed and this is what I get. I’m fucking furious. It’s taking all my willpower not to quit this very second. How do you guys resist the urge?

Boss has been texting me constantly this morning with guilt trips, asking if I can come in later and sent me the “Somebody’s Got a Case of the Monday’s” gif. It’s a small family run company and I’ve bent over backwards to help these past six months while we’ve been understaffed and this is what I get. I’m fucking furious.

It’s taking all my willpower not to quit this very second. How do you guys resist the urge?

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