
Called selfish by my boss

I’m so over work and I just needed to rant somewhere. I work in healthcare and I have just passed a registry that qualifies me to work in a different sector of healthcare. I am actively looking for a new job and tried to hide that I passed my registry because I knew what was going to happen next. My fear was that my boss would ask me to do the job that I’m qualified for now…. but I would still be making the same amount of money. Well low and behold it happens today she asks me to help. I told her I’m not being payed extra money to do that job and won’t be helping. Well she did not like that. I later heard her talking to another coworker and she proceeded to call me selfish! No fucking duh. I’m not going to do more work for the…

I’m so over work and I just needed to rant somewhere. I work in healthcare and I have just passed a registry that qualifies me to work in a different sector of healthcare. I am actively looking for a new job and tried to hide that I passed my registry because I knew what was going to happen next.

My fear was that my boss would ask me to do the job that I’m qualified for now…. but I would still be making the same amount of money.

Well low and behold it happens today she asks me to help. I told her I’m not being payed extra money to do that job and won’t be helping. Well she did not like that.

I later heard her talking to another coworker and she proceeded to call me selfish! No fucking duh. I’m not going to do more work for the same amount of money. Why can’t bosses get that through their thick heads?!

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