
Calling me on my week offs

I joined a new workplace 5 months ago and I've hated it since the first week but I told myself to give it sometime before quitting. I work in news and its so monotonous and tiring just being on the desk all day. Our offs are cancelled all the time. At work it's excruciatingly lonely because everyone's just typing away like machines. And then they want you to give your off hours to do special stories like I cry myself to sleep every night. Sometimes I feel like this is hell but there's no other place to go. I'm 25 and I don't know what's going on in my life. I feel like it revolves around work and I'm so angry.

I joined a new workplace 5 months ago and I've hated it since the first week but I told myself to give it sometime before quitting. I work in news and its so monotonous and tiring just being on the desk all day. Our offs are cancelled all the time. At work it's excruciatingly lonely because everyone's just typing away like machines. And then they want you to give your off hours to do special stories like I cry myself to sleep every night.

Sometimes I feel like this is hell but there's no other place to go. I'm 25 and I don't know what's going on in my life. I feel like it revolves around work and I'm so angry.

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