
Came back from sick leave (covid) and it’s a mess

I caught covid at our company’s office grand opening two weeks ago. I know for sure it was there because I’d been catsitting for a week prior and had been ordering groceries there. Tested positive last Monday morning and I was out sick the whole week. It’s been legitimately awful. Taking out the trash left me gasping for breath. I couldn’t wash my hair without crying. I slept almost 15 hours a day and spent almost every waking hour in bed too. I’m not even close to better (still coughing, feverish, nauseous, and fatigued) but I’m out of sick time and bills have to be paid, so I clocked in to WFH today. It’s a fucking nightmare. None of my work was reassigned, so I have a literal week of follow ups and emails to address. I was moved to a new manager that’s newer than I am (I started…

I caught covid at our company’s office grand opening two weeks ago. I know for sure it was there because I’d been catsitting for a week prior and had been ordering groceries there. Tested positive last Monday morning and I was out sick the whole week. It’s been legitimately awful. Taking out the trash left me gasping for breath. I couldn’t wash my hair without crying. I slept almost 15 hours a day and spent almost every waking hour in bed too. I’m not even close to better (still coughing, feverish, nauseous, and fatigued) but I’m out of sick time and bills have to be paid, so I clocked in to WFH today.

It’s a fucking nightmare.

None of my work was reassigned, so I have a literal week of follow ups and emails to address. I was moved to a new manager that’s newer than I am (I started in June). My old manager volunteered me for new hires to shadow my calls for TWO hour-long segments during my designated off-the-phones time. I can barely think through the brain fog and I’m coughing through all of my calls. All this stuff on top of me being actively sick? I’ve broken down crying twice today.

This company has been a joke since my training ended. It’s nothing but bait-and-switch lies. I was hired on the premise of “two hours on phones, the rest of your day in cases.” They’ve had us on the phones for full days, then promised new and improved schedules with no more than 4 hours, then schedules came out with almost 6. I get criticized for not following procedures that haven’t been updated in months, the criticized for actually following them because they’re outdated. We don’t even have procedures for everything we’re doing. Things will change 2-3 times in a single day, with new directions given out by different managers. I’ve been thrown under the bus to other teams for things that aren’t my fault, I’ve had coworkers give clients my full legal name for complaints (we go by first name and last initial), and l’m called out for not meeting numbers midway through the day when I work 3 hours later than some of my coworkers.

I’ve wanted to quit for the last six weeks. The day I came out of training, they revealed the switches and I lost all respect for them. Unfortunately, without a bachelor’s degree, $20 is the best I can make in my area, so I’ve been trying to make it work. I’ve been depressed and burning out for ages and this has accelerated it all. But to have all of this happen before lunch on my first day back after getting COVID in their office???

I just. I can’t do this right now. I’m heading for breakdown number three. Fuck this.

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