
Can anyone tell me of what my employer did was illegal? (Massachusetts)

This originally was going to be a very long post, but I simplified it instead, if anything need to be clarified I can do that. Was told I'd be working in my hometown, got assigned to a different state, had to drive 90 minutes a day instead of 12. Was told there was a $200 rebate a month for gas, I never received any of this and had to pay about $671 worth of gas out of my own pocket. When I started, they sent me an email saying I had to go to training for 1 week, which was a location that was 1hr and 30m away, I had to drive for 3 hours a day while doing training for 8 hours. During my last assignment, I was put in a situation where I'd have to swim, in the job description (that I signed) there was no point saying…

This originally was going to be a very long post, but I simplified it instead, if anything need to be clarified I can do that.

  1. Was told I'd be working in my hometown, got assigned to a different state, had to drive 90 minutes a day instead of 12.

  2. Was told there was a $200 rebate a month for gas, I never received any of this and had to pay about $671 worth of gas out of my own pocket.

  3. When I started, they sent me an email saying I had to go to training for 1 week, which was a location that was 1hr and 30m away, I had to drive for 3 hours a day while doing training for 8 hours.

  4. During my last assignment, I was put in a situation where I'd have to swim, in the job description (that I signed) there was no point saying that I would ever have to swim for this job. I told them I have ear tubes and couldn't, otherwise my hearing was be damaged. I was told I still had to and quit the day of.

  5. On my first ever paycheck with them, my hourly rate was $2 off, it was never fixed while I was working there, I sent an email explaining it then quit, I got my last paycheck as a DD and was never given a paystub, they locked me out of my account. I don't know what I was paid, how many miles I was given or if the rate was included, I worked 55 hours on the first week so that totaled $110 that I still might be missing.

  6. While I was working there, I drove 2911 miles in total, I was paid $461 for mileage in total, not including that last check I got because I don't know how much they paid me for mileage on that one. That comes out to 6.31c a mile, Massachusetts recommendeds 65.5c, but it's not enforced by law, I don't think.

  7. While.emplyed there, I was asked to go to a client's house in which one of the family members were sick with Covid, I disputed this and managed to not have to go there for 4 days, I only got another assignment for 1 day and didn't work for the other 3, losing money. I was also sent back to work at the Covid house after the 4 days and was still concerned I might get it since the family member was still unwell, though feeling better.

I know this is a lot to unpack, I only worked there for about 2 months before I couldn't take it anymore, the swimming is what did me in, maybe I should've just refused to go instead of quiting so they fired me instead but it's still wrong that they demanded I go when I said I couldn't swim for medical reasons. I only spoke with one lawyer and it was only about the mileage, he said he couldn't help me there and referred me to the Bar association, I didn't know whether I should bring anything else up besides the mileage and gas next time I talk to someone.

Thank you for any help.

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