
Can I ask for a raise since I’m dropping my benefits?

My companies family insurance that I have had for many years has gotten ridiculously high priced and doesn’t cover anything. Thankfully we are able to switch to my husbands work plan this year which will save us quite a bit and allow me to keep my doctors. The thing is that my company pays over 9K a year for my insurance so by dropping it, I’m effectively giving up what I consider part of my compensation. Is it acceptable to ask for a raise based on that (not even all of it, just part of it) or is that a faux pas?

My companies family insurance that I have had for many years has gotten ridiculously high priced and doesn’t cover anything. Thankfully we are able to switch to my husbands work plan this year which will save us quite a bit and allow me to keep my doctors. The thing is that my company pays over 9K a year for my insurance so by dropping it, I’m effectively giving up what I consider part of my compensation. Is it acceptable to ask for a raise based on that (not even all of it, just part of it) or is that a faux pas?

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