
Can I collect unemployment if I quit without notice?

I have suffered retaliation from my boss for informing a client (vulnerable adult) who was being harassed by her that he has rights. I called HR several times to report this to them. I filed a written report with HR. They have quit answering my calls and they won’t return my phone calls. She has a long record of abusing employees and of forcing people to quit or firing them and I know others have reported her to HR. Nothing changes. I told HR that it’s a hostile environment for me. If I quit because I’m afraid of her can I collect unemployment? I’m in Minnesota.

I have suffered retaliation from my boss for informing a client (vulnerable adult) who was being harassed by her that he has rights. I called HR several times to report this to them. I filed a written report with HR. They have quit answering my calls and they won’t return my phone calls. She has a long record of abusing employees and of forcing people to quit or firing them and I know others have reported her to HR. Nothing changes. I told HR that it’s a hostile environment for me. If I quit because I’m afraid of her can I collect unemployment? I’m in Minnesota.

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