
Can I fight this?

I work at a unionized hotel and was fired without warning today. Our new GM is a major asshole and has fired four or five people since being hired two months ago. He fired our long-time front desk manager without warning and hired on his former colleague to replace her. He knew I was close with the FDM so he's never liked me. Besides that, his main issue with me has been using chairs at the front desk. We have an agreement with the union that we are allowed to sit at the front desk when we are not dealing with guests. He tried to take the chairs away so I called the union and he backed down. Then, in an attempt to bend the rules, he decided to only let us sit 10 minutes per 8 hour shift. He brought me into the office and told me I've been…

I work at a unionized hotel and was fired without warning today. Our new GM is a major asshole and has fired four or five people since being hired two months ago. He fired our long-time front desk manager without warning and hired on his former colleague to replace her. He knew I was close with the FDM so he's never liked me. Besides that, his main issue with me has been using chairs at the front desk. We have an agreement with the union that we are allowed to sit at the front desk when we are not dealing with guests. He tried to take the chairs away so I called the union and he backed down. Then, in an attempt to bend the rules, he decided to only let us sit 10 minutes per 8 hour shift. He brought me into the office and told me I've been “abusing” the chairs and he's putting it on my record.

Called the union again, they sent me a grievance letter to deliver to him. He called me into the office this morning and told me he was terminating me. He told me he received complaints regarding “my customer service” and can no longer keep me at the hotel. This is the first time I've heard anything about this, and our company's standard is as follows: verbal warning, second warning, third warning, termination. He did not give me any details about the complaints either. I think he is taking things out on me because I've called the union about the chairs. Is there anything I can do? I'll be talking with my union rep this afternoon but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do to fight this.

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