
Can I file for unemployment if they changed my departure date?

I recently resigned from my job and my last day was today because management didn’t like my original two weeks date, which is on the official resignation letter, and was supposed to be next Monday. Am I able to collect unemployment insurance because they changed my leaving date — verbatim from email: “unfortunately, your last day will have to be Wednesday, November 1st since the annual retreat is on the Monday of your two weeks notice” Thank you for reading this! Any input is appreciated, I’ve never been in this situation before.

I recently resigned from my job and my last day was today because management didn’t like my original two weeks date, which is on the official resignation letter, and was supposed to be next Monday.

Am I able to collect unemployment insurance because they changed my leaving date — verbatim from email: “unfortunately, your last day will have to be Wednesday, November 1st since the annual retreat is on the Monday of your two weeks notice”

Thank you for reading this! Any input is appreciated, I’ve never been in this situation before.

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