
Can I get fired if I get committed?

For reference I live and work in California. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a while and I’ve been feeling super burnt out and generally depressed. I mentioned to my manager in passing that I was overwhelmed and seeing a therapist about burnout and they brushed it off as “everyone’s burnt out after the pandemic!” Well last week my therapist suggested I see a psychiatrist and possibly consider more serious measures. Our insurance would cover a stay in a psychiatric hospital. I just don’t know if I could get fired for being gone that long. I’m also now really worried that I might say something that will get me involuntarily committed and possibly fired.

For reference I live and work in California. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a while and I’ve been feeling super burnt out and generally depressed. I mentioned to my manager in passing that I was overwhelmed and seeing a therapist about burnout and they brushed it off as “everyone’s burnt out after the pandemic!” Well last week my therapist suggested I see a psychiatrist and possibly consider more serious measures. Our insurance would cover a stay in a psychiatric hospital. I just don’t know if I could get fired for being gone that long. I’m also now really worried that I might say something that will get me involuntarily committed and possibly fired.

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