
My dad makes more working part time than I did working full time (rant)

I have recently figured out that I am disabled. I busted my ass for over 6 years keeping full time jobs that were incredibly toxic because my parents and everyone else kept saying that it's what you have to do to make a career. I am a college graduate and no job has ever offered me any kind of pay that would allow me to move out of my parents' house. Now all these years later my body is messed up and severe burnout has left me in a bad state. I had to quit because I'm disabled by chronic illnesses. I'm very thankful for my parents support and I know I'm extremely lucky to have their support. However my dad, who has been retired for a while now, just started doing contract work. Partly because he's bored and partly to help pay for my medical expenses so I don't…

I have recently figured out that I am disabled. I busted my ass for over 6 years keeping full time jobs that were incredibly toxic because my parents and everyone else kept saying that it's what you have to do to make a career. I am a college graduate and no job has ever offered me any kind of pay that would allow me to move out of my parents' house. Now all these years later my body is messed up and severe burnout has left me in a bad state. I had to quit because I'm disabled by chronic illnesses. I'm very thankful for my parents support and I know I'm extremely lucky to have their support. However my dad, who has been retired for a while now, just started doing contract work. Partly because he's bored and partly to help pay for my medical expenses so I don't blow through all of my savings immediately. He works on a part time basis, sometimes only doing a few hours a day, and gets to work remotely. Things that would actually allow me to be able to work, but no instead I've only received discrimination for disclosing disability status rather than actual accommodations. And on top of all of that… he makes more than double what I made in a year. I don't want to feel upset about it because obviously him working helps me focus on medical treatment. But it's like a slap in the face to see him being able to have so easily and without judgement what I would need to survive once he's gone and I have to return to working. And the only reason he's doing this contract gig is because his old job rushed him and his team out once they reached a certain age and didn't let them train replacements before retiring. They suddenly pushed out his team years ago, the remaining people were overworked and overwhelmed and eventually left, then they brought in a bunch of young people that they never trained. So now the company begged my dad to come back and get the team back on track because no one knows how anything works. The sad thing is all the people he's working with now are my age and are probably paid around the same amount as I was (entry level pay for mid level job). All these companies don't understand why these problems happen and instead just complain that millennials and gen z aren't as good as boomers… and then turn around and offer boomers money I could never even dream of making in my lifetime.

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