
Can I get input on this letter of resignation?

Some context, I moved to this area for this job after they offered me a salary that would afford me living here. I bought an apartment with that salary expectation, when I got into an accident I took out an auto loan with that salary expectation. However after a year, they changed my position to a broader position that helps the entire company as opposed to just my accounts, cut my pay by $20k/yr, made me hourly, haven't given me a job title or job description to my new position, and told me that they couldn't pay me more because “it wouldn't be fair to everyone else in the department who gets paid less.” They also told me that I can make up the difference in salary in overtime, but that would require over 2 hours of overtime a day, without missing a single day just to barely hit anywhere…

Some context, I moved to this area for this job after they offered me a salary that would afford me living here. I bought an apartment with that salary expectation, when I got into an accident I took out an auto loan with that salary expectation.

However after a year, they changed my position to a broader position that helps the entire company as opposed to just my accounts, cut my pay by $20k/yr, made me hourly, haven't given me a job title or job description to my new position, and told me that they couldn't pay me more because “it wouldn't be fair to everyone else in the department who gets paid less.”

They also told me that I can make up the difference in salary in overtime, but that would require over 2 hours of overtime a day, without missing a single day just to barely hit anywhere close to my previous salary. Plus, they have been all around pretty awful to me my entire time being here.

This isn't performance based either, I literally saw an article in an industry publication with the owner of the company touting the efficiencies and processes that I have put in place after we got a new piece of $500,000 equipment that I helped create automated processes for, and touted how this saves costs that we pass on to our clients.

I'm trying to remain polite and professional yet I don't want to kiss anyone's ass either.

I don't super care about burning this bridge, but let me know if this will or not:

Dear ███,

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from ███ ███, effective on November 16th, roughly two weeks from today. This decision was not taken lightly and is a result of several factors that have significantly impacted my job satisfaction, financial stability, and ability to perform efficiently and effectively in my position.

I want to express my gratitude to the individuals at ███ ████ who have supported and mentored me during my time here.

Furthermore, I want to assure you that I have already created a transition plan with ███ ████ to ensure a smooth handover of my responsibilities. I am committed to assisting in any way possible to facilitate a seamless transition for the team.

While my experience at ███ ████ has unfortunately been challenging, I appreciate the opportunities it has provided for professional growth and development. I believe it is in the best interest of both parties to move forward separately, and I remain committed to maintaining professionalism during my remaining time at the company.

Thank you for the opportunity to work at ███ ████.


████ █████

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