
Can i go to HR to get this resolved?

Hello – started at a job a little under a year now. My team specifically has this dumb rule in place that you can't take more than 5 days vacation unless it is something wedding related (e.g. Honeymoon, Bachelor or Bachelorette Party, Wedding) regardless if you have the days or not. It's not like that across other teams and I have seen a number of people take upwards of 2-3 weeks off, of course, thats the time they have earned and is a part of there contract. The lead on the team's excuse is that they won't have coverage, but they have coverage for when people want to do wedding-related stuff? Makes 0 sense to me but would love some input on how I can fight this and take my vacation as I please. Thinking of going to HR but I don't want that to bite me in the butt…

Hello – started at a job a little under a year now. My team specifically has this dumb rule in place that you can't take more than 5 days vacation unless it is something wedding related (e.g. Honeymoon, Bachelor or Bachelorette Party, Wedding) regardless if you have the days or not. It's not like that across other teams and I have seen a number of people take upwards of 2-3 weeks off, of course, thats the time they have earned and is a part of there contract. The lead on the team's excuse is that they won't have coverage, but they have coverage for when people want to do wedding-related stuff? Makes 0 sense to me but would love some input on how I can fight this and take my vacation as I please. Thinking of going to HR but I don't want that to bite me in the butt later. This organization consists of 500+ employees so it's quite big and nowhere in the employee handbook that I was given says we are limited to 5 days only.

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