
Can I use sick pay?(California)

So I'm a part time employee but I know I'm entitled to sick pay. Been working at the place for almost 3 years and not once has ever called out sick, so I have plenty of sick hours to use. Well last week I pulled a muscle(at home) and couldn't move my body so I had to call off work(just one day). When I go back to work I ask if it's ok to use my sick leave for my injury and my manager says because it happened right after my days off, I'll need a doctor's note to use my sick pay, but if it happened like mid work week I don't. It happened on a Friday morning right as I got out of bed, and my days off are Tuesday -thursday, so I get some people might “cheat” for an extra day off but I think it's a…

So I'm a part time employee but I know I'm entitled to sick pay. Been working at the place for almost 3 years and not once has ever called out sick, so I have plenty of sick hours to use. Well last week I pulled a muscle(at home) and couldn't move my body so I had to call off work(just one day). When I go back to work I ask if it's ok to use my sick leave for my injury and my manager says because it happened right after my days off, I'll need a doctor's note to use my sick pay, but if it happened like mid work week I don't. It happened on a Friday morning right as I got out of bed, and my days off are Tuesday -thursday, so I get some people might “cheat” for an extra day off but I think it's a bit unfair especially since I'm neverrrrr sick and I know the injury wasn't serious enough for a doctor's visit anyway. I was thinking of talking to HR about it but what are your thoughts? Like are they allowed to put that condition in? Cuz when I was looking it up online it says I'm entitled even without a note

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