
Can I voice record my manager for creating a toxic work environment?

For context, I live in CA. Last Tuesday, my manager yelled at me for the first time in front of everyone in the office. I confronted her about it after cooling off, and she turned it around on me and exploded (as expected), voicing her long list of frustrations she has towards me. The words “you don’t even care” and “everyone thinks you’re selfish” were said. Obviously some built up resentment towards me there. I thought I was doing fine this whole time. She was yelling at me again at this point, so I took it up a notch too. My office door was closed during this fiasco, but the HR manager came in and said we were so loud the whole office can hear us and she meditated the situation, so my manager thinks she and I are cool now. After this three-way conversation, the HR manager came in…

For context, I live in CA. Last Tuesday, my manager yelled at me for the first time in front of everyone in the office. I confronted her about it after cooling off, and she turned it around on me and exploded (as expected), voicing her long list of frustrations she has towards me. The words “you don’t even care” and “everyone thinks you’re selfish” were said. Obviously some built up resentment towards me there. I thought I was doing fine this whole time. She was yelling at me again at this point, so I took it up a notch too. My office door was closed during this fiasco, but the HR manager came in and said we were so loud the whole office can hear us and she meditated the situation, so my manager thinks she and I are cool now. After this three-way conversation, the HR manager came in to my office again and asked me if I was okay and let me know that I would be reporting to her now (for context again: I’m a Recruiter and my manager is the Recruiting Manager). I informed her again that I‘ll be submitting my two weeks notice soon (we already talked prior when she witnessed my manager yelling at me). I’ll be officially submitting my two weeks notice tomorrow, but I’m predicting again that my manager will explode again and be verbally abusive. Can I voice record my manager when she confronts me about my resignation? At this point, it’s for my own safety, and I prefer her not know that I’m recording.

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