
Can my job make me over produce products without further compensation?

So I currently work in manufacturing plant and were given an hourly rate for the amount of products we need to make by end of day. Thing is that I work so efficiently that I have a lot of sit down time where I physically cannot work. I'm a robot operator and the programs are so long I legitimately run into a road block until the robot is done. I use this time to text my therapist, draw, read on different things both pertaining to work and for recreational information for outside work. I've been getting yelled at and basically told they're going to try and fire me by my supervisor because I constantly look like I'm not working even though I can't do anything else and I'm always hitting my daily rate. We're not allowed to work on multiple orders at the same time, I keep my area clean…

So I currently work in manufacturing plant and were given an hourly rate for the amount of products we need to make by end of day. Thing is that I work so efficiently that I have a lot of sit down time where I physically cannot work. I'm a robot operator and the programs are so long I legitimately run into a road block until the robot is done. I use this time to text my therapist, draw, read on different things both pertaining to work and for recreational information for outside work. I've been getting yelled at and basically told they're going to try and fire me by my supervisor because I constantly look like I'm not working even though I can't do anything else and I'm always hitting my daily rate. We're not allowed to work on multiple orders at the same time, I keep my area clean enough to eat off the floor at all times, and my area is very organized. And sometimes I'll have an extra 5 or 10 minutes in the hour where I'm not doing anything since I work so efficiently and my supervisor says I should use that time do start the next job or do more work. Thing is that there is no profit sharing to incentive me to over produce, my raise this year was 72¢ despite getting my praises sung and told I'm already doing more than they want me to do and I work above and beyond, so I feel like they dont pay me enough to care about making more products than I agreed to when I first started. My supervisor says I'm paid X$ per hour to do the work so I should constantly be working, however the way I see it is I'm paid X$ for every X amount of products per hour. Am I in the wrong and should continue what I'm doing? Or am I on a path to get fired? This is the only job that's ever been like this. My past 2 jobs didn't give a single fuck what I did as long as I got my job done by the end of the day.

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