
Can someone advise me on scheduling laws in Michigan?

We have a new attendance policy at work which we will be discussing at an upcoming staff meeting. Our boss likes to change shifts last minute, sometimes as late as after 7pm the night before the shift. She has even done it the morning of the shift for some of my co-workers who come in later than I do. Im wondering if there’s some kind of law or guideline I can cite in this meeting to ensure that workers are not penalized for tardiness due to late shift changes. For example, if I go to bed thinking I work at 8, only to wake up and see my schedule has been changed to 7. Thanks in advance!

We have a new attendance policy at work which we will be discussing at an upcoming staff meeting. Our boss likes to change shifts last minute, sometimes as late as after 7pm the night before the shift. She has even done it the morning of the shift for some of my co-workers who come in later than I do. Im wondering if there’s some kind of law or guideline I can cite in this meeting to ensure that workers are not penalized for tardiness due to late shift changes. For example, if I go to bed thinking I work at 8, only to wake up and see my schedule has been changed to 7.
Thanks in advance!

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