
Can they fire me over this?

I've been at my job a little over 17 years. I'm a slight germaphobe and have a fairly weak immune system. In just ten months time i got covid twice, the flu and strep throat. So I try to take extra steps to not expose myself unnecessarily. At work we share these communication devices among all three shifts. They're very dirty and most people don't properly clean them. We receive them with splatters of blood on them and who knows what else. I always use gloves when I receive mine. Everyone knows this. My supervisor reached in my personal space and decided to just shove mine in my pocket when I wasn't looking. This shocked me and irritated me. For violating my personal space. Also because now my personal items in that pocket are dirty as well. I asked my supervisor “why did you do that?” I was ignored. I…

I've been at my job a little over 17 years. I'm a slight germaphobe and have a fairly weak immune system. In just ten months time i got covid twice, the flu and strep throat. So I try to take extra steps to not expose myself unnecessarily.

At work we share these communication devices among all three shifts. They're very dirty and most people don't properly clean them. We receive them with splatters of blood on them and who knows what else. I always use gloves when I receive mine. Everyone knows this.

My supervisor reached in my personal space and decided to just shove mine in my pocket when I wasn't looking. This shocked me and irritated me. For violating my personal space. Also because now my personal items in that pocket are dirty as well.

I asked my supervisor “why did you do that?” I was ignored. I said “hey, I am talking to you.” Supervisor got an attitude with me and asked me “what is your problem?” I just said “don't do that again. Please don't ever do that again.” I walked away and left it at that.

Supervisor reported me to my manager. I had a meeting with them. I am now being investigated for being “too aggressive.” Apparently other bosses are reporting my supposed aggressive ways. I have no other witnesses on my side.

I don't think I was aggressive. I didn't use profanity. I didn't make any threats. I didn't resort to any physical contact at all. My voice was elevated a little from the shock and irritation. It's all being turned around on me and the fact that the supervisor invaded my personal space isn't even an issue. I have a meeting with people higher up soon to explain my side and attempt to defend myself.

Can they terminate me over this?

Tldr – supervisor invaded my personal space putting something very dirty in my pocket. I said four sentences consisting of “why did you do that? I'm talking to you. Don't do that again. Please don't do that again.” with no profanity or threats. Am being investigated for being “too aggressive.” Can I be terminated?

Edit: I'm in Texas if that helps.

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