
Can we have a weekly vent/rage post?

Just so that we can vent about little things that wouldn't necessarily make a good post/be taken down for low effort, etc. For example, today at my glorious corporate prison, my team keeps a brand new iPhone and iPad locked in a drawer. They are taken out and used once a month to check if the company website works OK, despite being able to do the exact same thing from a normal computer browser. And what, we are meant to care about profits again? Pfft.

Just so that we can vent about little things that wouldn't necessarily make a good post/be taken down for low effort, etc.

For example, today at my glorious corporate prison, my team keeps a brand new iPhone and iPad locked in a drawer. They are taken out and used once a month to check if the company website works OK, despite being able to do the exact same thing from a normal computer browser. And what, we are meant to care about profits again? Pfft.

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