
Can you just call an Uber?

I got into a car accident yesterday with my partner. I immediately called the police, my mom, my BOSS, then partners mom. I told her I got into an accident and her response was “Well can your boyfriend just deal with it? Can you call an Uber and get to work?” I was so startled I didn’t know what to say. She’s been bugging all week about our big event. I understand she was frustrated and I was running late but she never even asked if I was okay. I had to leave my boyfriend because I was afraid about losing my job. If I didn’t need this job (we’re currently a single income household), I would have quit. That response was totally not okay. Luckily we weren’t injured but I can’t imagine the response if we were. It’s hard not to have enough financial freedom to get myself out…

I got into a car accident yesterday with my partner. I immediately called the police, my mom, my BOSS, then partners mom.

I told her I got into an accident and her response was “Well can your boyfriend just deal with it? Can you call an Uber and get to work?”

I was so startled I didn’t know what to say. She’s been bugging all week about our big event. I understand she was frustrated and I was running late but she never even asked if I was okay.

I had to leave my boyfriend because I was afraid about losing my job. If I didn’t need this job (we’re currently a single income household), I would have quit. That response was totally not okay.

Luckily we weren’t injured but I can’t imagine the response if we were.

It’s hard not to have enough financial freedom to get myself out of this current position. No one should respond to an emergency like that

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