
can you quit your job while on short term disability in NJ?

long story short, had a baby 5 months ago in June so i got time off 6 weeks after the baby as well as an additional 12 weeks through family bonding in the state of NJ. my boss has ignored me. i work for a small company for 7 years now so i only have one other co worker who’s part time and works from home so i don’t see her or really even talk to her. I gave my boss a 30 day notice while i was 39 weeks pregnant that my dr will be putting me out on disability 4 weeks prior to my delivery to give him time to figure out what he was doing regarding my work and also let him know when i was 13 weeks that i was pregnant and my estimated due date. i sent my 30 day notice of my disability date…

long story short, had a baby 5 months ago in June so i got time off 6 weeks after the baby as well as an additional 12 weeks through family bonding in the state of NJ. my boss has ignored me. i work for a small company for 7 years now so i only have one other co worker who’s part time and works from home so i don’t see her or really even talk to her.

I gave my boss a 30 day notice while i was 39 weeks pregnant that my dr will be putting me out on disability 4 weeks prior to my delivery to give him time to figure out what he was doing regarding my work and also let him know when i was 13 weeks that i was pregnant and my estimated due date. i sent my 30 day notice of my disability date via email so i had record of it (also had to do it via email because he always avoided talking about me having time off for the baby , never congratulated me or asked how i felt or anything) . from that day that i sent that email he ignored me and didn’t speak to me for a whole month. fast forward to now i’m dealing with some post partum anxiety so my dr has put me out until the end of november and may extend it until december since they started me on new medication . my work has since removed me from all emails and group text messages, i also noticed in august i was removed from alot of emails but now i’m completely removed and don’t get any emails sent to my work account. my anxiety that i’m still tied to my job is making my mental health even worse. i want to just quit at this point and return my materials so i can stop thinking about it since i know i definitely won’t be going back after my disability leave is up because of how he treated me when i was pregnant along with other things in the past (touched my pimples on my face whenever i had one telling me that i had one, used to stick his fingers on my lips wanting me to kiss them and many other things.) honesty a disgusting man and i know i should have left awhile ago but needed a job. he is also a doctor so the fact that he’s mad that i got pregnant and never gave any remorse or sympathy tells a lot.

looking for opinions on what to do? can i quit while on disability?

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