
Can your boss fire you for family emergencies?

I was supposed to work on Sunday (Nov.19) last week and got it called off because my dad was admitted into the hospital for heart failure. My boss was okay with it and said I shouldn’t worry about it since they can replace me. Today, Sunday (Nov. 26), I was notified that my dad would have open heart surgery on Tuesday, which is when I should be working. I texted my boss today, two days from now, saying that I am not able to go to work for night shift. He left me on read and I’m not sure if he’d fire me. I’ve made mistakes in the past, but I never abruptly called off for work a day or two before. I always called off 2 weeks prior. The fact is that I can work, I have time in my day, but I don’t think I’d be able to…

I was supposed to work on Sunday (Nov.19) last week and got it called off because my dad was admitted into the hospital for heart failure. My boss was okay with it and said I shouldn’t worry about it since they can replace me. Today, Sunday (Nov. 26), I was notified that my dad would have open heart surgery on Tuesday, which is when I should be working. I texted my boss today, two days from now, saying that I am not able to go to work for night shift. He left me on read and I’m not sure if he’d fire me.

I’ve made mistakes in the past, but I never abruptly called off for work a day or two before. I always called off 2 weeks prior.

The fact is that I can work, I have time in my day, but I don’t think I’d be able to calm down or work normally. I’d be too stressed and call my mom every second.

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