
Cannot stand this anymore

I have no energy after the avrage week. If I manage to cook for myself, that is an achievement enough. Here at my toxic Japanese company, they force us to go into the office, despite our work being 100% online, with NO NEED AT ALL to be in an office. During corona, when the government mandated telework for a bit, oh…. those few months were glorious. I got like 1% of my usual personality back, could engage with hobbies sometimes, sleep more, cook more delicious, nutricious food that took more time than the shit that normally is made on the weekdays… but of course, that had to end, because we ABSOLUTELY had to be back in the office for REASONS the very next day after the government cancelled the telework mandate. Being in this office breaks my soul. Each foreign female worker has increasingly worse mental health due to being…

I have no energy after the avrage week. If I manage to cook for myself, that is an achievement enough.

Here at my toxic Japanese company, they force us to go into the office, despite our work being 100% online, with NO NEED AT ALL to be in an office. During corona, when the government mandated telework for a bit, oh…. those few months were glorious. I got like 1% of my usual personality back, could engage with hobbies sometimes, sleep more, cook more delicious, nutricious food that took more time than the shit that normally is made on the weekdays… but of course, that had to end, because we ABSOLUTELY had to be back in the office for REASONS the very next day after the government cancelled the telework mandate.

Being in this office breaks my soul. Each foreign female worker has increasingly worse mental health due to being in this shithole of a company, and it's no suprise.

I am forced to sit at the same desk as my harasser, who constantly tries to have a go at me and drag me into one-on-one meetings (HR refuses to intefere because they view it as 'business issues' cause he is my manager). We do not have any windows, and sit under flourescent lighting all the time. Manager brays at every word said to him as thogh it was the funniest thing he heard during his whole lifetime. Am still waiting for him to piss himself with laughter. Everyone is constantly yapping around me, all about bullshit that doesn't matter, that doesn't need to happen, but use huge tones, exclamations, whispers, gasps.. who cares. Everyone runs to the printer, back to their desk, to the meeting room, back to the desk, anywhere, just to prove how fucking busy they are. No one seems to have mastered the art of typing- everyone seems determined to break the keys on their keyboards with sheer force to demonstrate just how hard they are working. I despise all this bullshit. And I am hated because I walk to the printer? Because I don't gasp with joy when my not on commission team makes a sale? Who gives a fuck. I wish I was in bed with my stuffed boar.

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