
“Can’t afford to promote you, but we’ll just hire someone new”

Hahaha gotta love corporate America logic. Awhile back, I reached out to talk about my growth path and a promotion. I’m performing the job of 3 people. One of those functions is actually a position that’s higher ranked and higher paid, across the board. So essentially, it wasn’t even a promotion I was asking for, if you really wanna get technical. I was just asking to be compensated fairly at this point. Of course, I get the whole “sorry, but we can’t afford to promote you.” Fine. That’s all I needed to hear to give myself the confirmation that I should start looking elsewhere and going out on interviews. Today, I get pulled aside and get a little “talking to”. Apparently me being disgruntled is starting to show. And then, the boss proceeds to tell me “if you don’t want to perform this job function, then I’ll just go hire…

Hahaha gotta love corporate America logic.

Awhile back, I reached out to talk about my growth path and a promotion. I’m performing the job of 3 people. One of those functions is actually a position that’s higher ranked and higher paid, across the board. So essentially, it wasn’t even a promotion I was asking for, if you really wanna get technical. I was just asking to be compensated fairly at this point. Of course, I get the whole “sorry, but we can’t afford to promote you.” Fine. That’s all I needed to hear to give myself the confirmation that I should start looking elsewhere and going out on interviews.

Today, I get pulled aside and get a little “talking to”. Apparently me being disgruntled is starting to show. And then, the boss proceeds to tell me “if you don’t want to perform this job function, then I’ll just go hire someone to do it and you can just focus on your other functions”.

HOLD UP. You mean to tell me you can’t afford to promote me, but can hire someone else?

And yet people wonder why nobody is loyal to where they work anymore lol.

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