
Can’t apply for a job within the company I work at because I haven’t been in the position I’m overqualified for long enough

While on the job search for a better paying job I saw the company I work for was hiring for a financial analyst position. I have a finance degree, and have been looking for a position as a financial analyst. I talked to my supervisor, and told them I wanted to apply for it and got the green light to do so. I applied and was immediately rejected because I haven’t been in my current position long enough. My current position requires a GED or high school diploma and pays 30K a year. The new position requires a degree in finance (which I have). I was rejected solely because I haven’t been in my current position the minimum required amount of time. I’ve never been more unmotivated to work for a company. I guess it’s time to send out more applications than I already am, and then quit without giving…

While on the job search for a better paying job I saw the company I work for was hiring for a financial analyst position. I have a finance degree, and have been looking for a position as a financial analyst. I talked to my supervisor, and told them I wanted to apply for it and got the green light to do so. I applied and was immediately rejected because I haven’t been in my current position long enough. My current position requires a GED or high school diploma and pays 30K a year. The new position requires a degree in finance (which I have). I was rejected solely because I haven’t been in my current position the minimum required amount of time. I’ve never been more unmotivated to work for a company. I guess it’s time to send out more applications than I already am, and then quit without giving 2 weeks notice the second I get offered a job somewhere else.

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