
Can’t complete our work w/o OT, yelled at for doing too much OT

I hate my job. I shouldn't. It's a pretty decent job, all things considered. But I can't shake my horrible attitude about it anymore. And now, during our busiest months, when we literally cannot complete our work without doing overtime, we're being told we need to limit overtime. We can't fucking win. We can't do anything right. I cried twice today. I hate our customers. I hate our company. I also hate that I can't find anything that will pay me what I'm making now, and I'm terrified to give that up because how the fuck am I supposed to retire?

I hate my job. I shouldn't. It's a pretty decent job, all things considered. But I can't shake my horrible attitude about it anymore. And now, during our busiest months, when we literally cannot complete our work without doing overtime, we're being told we need to limit overtime. We can't fucking win. We can't do anything right. I cried twice today. I hate our customers. I hate our company. I also hate that I can't find anything that will pay me what I'm making now, and I'm terrified to give that up because how the fuck am I supposed to retire?

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