
Can’t figure out my job? Guess I don’t need to work, then

This story (ongoing) is about my husband and his highly incompetent workplace. My husband has been at his place of work for fifteen years. He doesn't have a college degree, but he has learned on-the-job to be pretty excellent at it. He's also had side work in the same field at numerous other places, always with a stellar reputation. June '22, his boss resigns (aka pissed off the wrong person and was forced out). Hubs is promoted to “interim” manager. This comes with a nice pay raise (50%!) however, because it was only interim, they didn't fill his old role, planning to wait til they made the manager position official for someone. So for a year, he has done the work of two full-time people. A couple months ago, someone who retired in May sent out an email letting the team know what was going on with staffing. She probably…

This story (ongoing) is about my husband and his highly incompetent workplace.

My husband has been at his place of work for fifteen years. He doesn't have a college degree, but he has learned on-the-job to be pretty excellent at it. He's also had side work in the same field at numerous other places, always with a stellar reputation.

June '22, his boss resigns (aka pissed off the wrong person and was forced out). Hubs is promoted to “interim” manager. This comes with a nice pay raise (50%!) however, because it was only interim, they didn't fill his old role, planning to wait til they made the manager position official for someone. So for a year, he has done the work of two full-time people.

A couple months ago, someone who retired in May sent out an email letting the team know what was going on with staffing. She probably wasn't supposed to, but oh well – what were they going to do to her anyway? In it, they did a lot of restructuring, but the important bit to us is a new person was listed as “interim manager.” Not permanent. So they replaced husband with another temp person while they look for someone permanent.

Not one person spoke to him about it. His boss crossed paths with him plenty and never brought it up, for months. He's stuck wondering – what is my job? Old job? What's the salary? What are my hours? Am I laid off?

Today, the very last day of his interim position, he's called into a meeting with his new “interim” boss and that person's new boss. This meeting is supposed to explain wtf is happening in this restructured workplace, and the entirety of the meeting can be summed up as:

New big-boss: hey, has HR talked to you?

Husband: nope

Big-boss: oh, well, I can't talk to you til they do

Husband: sounds good, see ya!

And he grabbed his stuff from his office and strolled on out. New interim boss, actually a decent guy, saw him and said “well that doesn't bode well.” Husband plans to take PTO until someone bothers to tell him what's going on.

Thankfully he has a second interview at a new place tomorrow; the first one went well. Hopefully he can leave the current clusterfuck well behind.

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