
can’t find an entry level part time job that will take me

i have applied to 10 jobs in my small town alone, and 5 more in the surrounding towns. about to submit my applications for 5 more. they're the only entry level ones, the only ones that might hire an 18 year old with no work experience….. 8 of them simply didn't answer the phone even though i called them 2 or 3 times, the rest have either told me i am not qualified or that they are no longer hiring. what the hell am i supposed to do. just ranting and venting i guess but my god. this is so stressful i just want to live in a hole in the ground.

i have applied to 10 jobs in my small town alone, and 5 more in the surrounding towns. about to submit my applications for 5 more. they're the only entry level ones, the only ones that might hire an 18 year old with no work experience….. 8 of them simply didn't answer the phone even though i called them 2 or 3 times, the rest have either told me i am not qualified or that they are no longer hiring. what the hell am i supposed to do.
just ranting and venting i guess but my god. this is so stressful i just want to live in a hole in the ground.

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