
Can’t get a job for ages and I’m fed up of it all.

28m, London, UK. Been applying to thousands (yes thousands of jobs) with not a single job offer yet after so many years and to say I’m fed up is an understatement. I’ve only managed to secure temporary 3 month contracts here and there which isn’t even enough to survive on. I have a few years of accounting & finance experience from all the years of temp contract roles but still haven’t been able to get anything in accounting. I’ve even applied to other random fields and entry level jobs and can’t get anything at all either. Where do I start, from the fake job listings just to capture candidate information to the companies who waste your time during the interview process and then tell you they’ve switched to hiring internally for the role to dishonest recruiters and the rest of them I speak to on the phone everyday for no…

28m, London, UK. Been applying to thousands (yes thousands of jobs) with not a single job offer yet after so many years and to say I’m fed up is an understatement. I’ve only managed to secure temporary 3 month contracts here and there which isn’t even enough to survive on.

I have a few years of accounting & finance experience from all the years of temp contract roles but still haven’t been able to get anything in accounting. I’ve even applied to other random fields and entry level jobs and can’t get anything at all either.

Where do I start, from the fake job listings just to capture candidate information to the companies who waste your time during the interview process and then tell you they’ve switched to hiring internally for the role to dishonest recruiters and the rest of them I speak to on the phone everyday for no job in the end, repeating my experience with them constantly on the phone to not even hear back from them with an interview to only getting 1 interview for every 200plus application I do I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s all a bunch of bs and impossible to get a job now let alone any decent paying job.

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