
Can’t get no respect(or satisfaction)

Like most people here, I just need to vent… I made a complaint to upper management about my direct manager treating me like a child over a misunderstanding, I asked to be treated with respect and to have better communication so I can achieve my expectations with out being lashed out against. In the follow up meeting with upper management and my direct manager the direct manager only apologized for treating me like a child in front of another employee then said “but you had it coming either way”. Then when we reviewed my priorities(which I requested and not because of a performance issue) my direct manager listed years worth of grievances with me even from before they were a manager. At the end of the meeting they asked if I had any other comments I wanted to make and I said about our misunderstanding “I'd hope for all the…

Like most people here, I just need to vent…

I made a complaint to upper management about my direct manager treating me like a child over a misunderstanding, I asked to be treated with respect and to have better communication so I can achieve my expectations with out being lashed out against.

In the follow up meeting with upper management and my direct manager the direct manager only apologized for treating me like a child in front of another employee then said “but you had it coming either way”.

Then when we reviewed my priorities(which I requested and not because of a performance issue) my direct manager listed years worth of grievances with me even from before they were a manager.

At the end of the meeting they asked if I had any other comments I wanted to make and I said about our misunderstanding “I'd hope for all the years we worked together that you'd trust me more than that, and also give me the benefit of the doubt.” and my direct responded “I thought for all the years we worked together that you'd know better.”

The mood of the meeting from upper management was nice and conciliatory, followed by some chummy talk at the end. I'm not reactionary and careful to consider my emotions before reacting. But after leaving, the meeting did not sit well with me. The personnel manager checked in with me about an hour later to see how I felt about it. I told them the truth that my direct never apologized for talking to me like a kid and that no one else in the company ever talks to me like that. And that I didn't like how much negative stuff was said about me when I was just asking how to make sure I'm doing a good job.

Tl;dr I asked for respect, better communication, and how to improve my work priorities. Instead got an apology for something that didnt bother me and then scolded years of small petty things my manager didnt like.

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